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Bello: Tracking belly fat with a near-infrared light scanner (Dec 23, 2018 Koreaherald)

Oct 15, 2019 (view:5040)

According to Olive Healthcare Platform CEO Han Sung-ho, Bello lets users conveniently track changes in their belly fat and provides segmented data that existing devices can’t.

“Fat maintenance is a central element of regulating metabolic or cardiovascular diseases. But there are no other ways to closely track changes in fat density than to look at a person’s weight,” Olive Healthcare Platform CEO Han Sung-ho said in a recent interview with The Korea Herald.


As of now, the Olive Healthcare Platform is working with Seoul National University Bundang Hospital to show similarities between the results that can be obtained from Bello and those from ultrasound machines and body-composition analyzers such as Inbody.

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